Monday, September 21, 2020

9/27/20 CG in the the Park 5:00-6:30pm

Since some of you are back to attending church on Sunday mornings, let's try meeting in the evening for a picnic dinner this week. Grab dinner for the family, chairs or a blanket and meet us in the park...

Please comment below and let us know if you are coming this week!

Where: April Hill Park


Sunday, September 13, 2020

9/20 Church/Community in the Park 12:00PM

 Attend live or watch service at home and then grab lunch/brunch for your family, something to sit on and then join us for physically distanced community, discussion, communion and prayer in the park! 

Where: April Hill Park

When: 12-2PM


9/27/20 10-12PM DONUT DRIVE THRU - Colossae Tigard

Thursday, September 10, 2020

9/13/20 Church in the Park 11:30AM - CANCELLED

9/13 - 9:30AM UPDATE - We have to cancel meeting this am due to hazardous air quality. We are sad to miss being with you all!

Pray for our first responders, those that are displaced from the fire, and for RAIN!!!


9/20/20 10-12PM DONUT DRIVE THRU - Colossae Tigard

9/15/20 6:30-8PM Outdoor Prayer Night - (May switch to zoom)