Wednesday, October 28, 2020

11/1 CG Lunch at the BG Food Cartel 12:30PM

 Let's switch it up and meet for lunch as a community at the Beaverton Food Cart Pod ( We should be able to space and eat together on the "grass." See the link for all the food options. We can meet at 12:30, everyone can order their own food and we can spend some time together as a community. 

Please comment if you are able to make it so we can know to look for you!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

10/25 CG in April Hill Park 5pm-

Bundle up, bring your chairs, your meal (or HOT beverages) and join us for community in the Park. We will see how long the kids last! 

April Hill Park: 58TH SW Avenue & Miles St, Portland, OR 97219, United States


Friday, October 16, 2020

10/18/20 CG at the Cokeley's 5-6:30PM

40% chance of rain again and the Cokeley's have generously volunteered to host again in their covered backyard space. Just come up driveway along left side of house. 

Bring your dinner and a folding chair...

Where: 6617 SW Walnut Terrace, Portland, Oregon 97223

Friday, October 9, 2020

10/11/20 CG at Cokeley's 5:00pm-6:30pm

With a 60% chance of rain, we need a spot with cover, so let's meet up in the Cokeley's covered backyard 

Bring your dinner and a folding chair...

Where: 6617 SW Walnut Terrace, Portland, Oregon 97223

Saturday, October 3, 2020

10/4 CG In the Park - April Hill 5pm-6:30pm

Picnic dinner at the Park again... Grab dinner for the family, chairs or a blanket and meet us in the park...

Please comment below and let us know if you are coming this week!

Where: April Hill Park
