Tuesday, November 24, 2020

11/29 No Community Group

 We will be traveling on Sunday, so no CG again this week. We will post a link for a Zoom CG on 12/6. If anyone has any prayer requests please text Jon or myself, or post them on the Facebook page. 

Hoping everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

11/15 No Community

UPDATED 11/13: In response to the recent updates from the Gov. office, we are cancelling our meeting in an abundance of caution, due to this unprecedented pandemic, yada yada yada... 

Is it 2021 yet?

The Cokeley's have generously volunteered to host again in their covered backyard space. Just come up driveway along left side of house. This will be our last meeting of November as we will not be meeting 11/22 or 11/29 because of the holiday break. 

Bring your lunch and a folding chair and dress for the 40s...

Where: 6617 SW Walnut Terrace, Portland, Oregon 97223

Saturday, November 7, 2020


 No Community Group this week. 

Prayer Requests:

-Eric as he fights complications right now - pray for his body to be able to fight off this infection and for his kidney function to return to normal. 

-Meagan who has a medical procedure on Wednesday. Pray for the results to be normal/benign. Continued prayers for her long term pain.

-For Angie's Aunt Jan - to be able to stay comfortable and free from pain as she spends her remaining time on this earth with her family. Praises that she was able to go home, prayers for peace and comfort for her and her family.