Tuesday, March 12, 2019

3/17/19 St. Patrick's Day at the Dooley's 5-7pm

We are going to celebrate St Patty's Day together with some Corned Beef & Cabbage! Kokely's and Dooley's are making the corned beef... 

Ideas of other items to bring...
Irish Soda Bread

Irish Cheese Plate
Shepard's Pie
Something from Potatoes
Irish Stout Cupcakes
Irish Coffee!
Guiness or Harp
Salad - (it's green and we need our veggies) 

Dooley Home 5-7pm
6670 SW Amber Lane
Portland, Oregon 

This is our week for bible study, so we will save some time to read & discuss Acts 18:24-23:11 and pray for one another). Please have read through this section at least once before our meeting and come with some thoughts/questions...


3/15/19 Women of Colossae - 6:00pm

3/18/19 Serve with Monclair Community Group at NWCO  - 
NWCO - Operating out of Westside Church of ChristEntrance is to the back of the building on the Southwest corner.5525 SW Menlo DriveBeaverton, OR 97005 (please text liz ASAP so I know how many are coming) 
3/30/19 Families of Colossae - 4:30pm


  1. It will be just me for community. I’ll bring some sort of potatoes. We can’t make it Monday night.

  2. I will bring mini ciabatta rolls (imagine they are soda bread) Casey and I will be there for sure.
