Monday, August 31, 2020

9/6 CG Church in April Hill Park 11:30am

Watch service in the comfort of your home, and then grab a blanket and/or chairs, food for the fam, and gather together and talk about how God is moving in your life right now and spend some time with us in prayer. 

Please comment below if you are joining us this week...

Where? April Hill Park 

When? 11:30am-1:30pm


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The car is in the shop till into October. Don't know if we can convince the kids to walk it.

  3. Cyndi, Casey and Chip can come for about an hr. We have a family dinner at 2p in Canby but want to come for a bit!

  4. Mitchell and I will be there but can only stay for an hour too; I’m working Sundays for a while.
