Sunday, September 29, 2019

10/6/19 Discipleship Groups 4:30-6pm

This week we will be covering Jesus - Virgin Birth.

Readings Is 7:14, Matt 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-38, John 3:16-18

Men will meet at Dooley House with kids - 4:30-6:00pm
6670 SW Amber Lane
Portland, Oregon

Women will meet at Smith House 4:30-6pm
5804 SW 59th CT
Portland, Oregon

(Liz may not be there this week as I am coming back from Half Marathon in Seattle, so I will need someone to volunteer to lead asking the questions in the app and direct conversation...)

The Lecture Forum is at 7pm at Colossae (no childcare). Hoping this timeframe allows people to do both if they so desire.

Baby Dedications 10/6/19 (Contact Allie Valesano)
Women of Colossae 10/18/19 6-8pm
Baptisms 10/20/19 (Contact Geoff Leatherman)
Marriage Conference 11/1/19-11/2/19

Monday, September 23, 2019

9/29/19 CG at the Dooley's 5-7pm Soup and Salad Night

The Dooley's will make Chicken Soup a big green salad, and if we could get a few other soups, salad, bread/or breadsticks, we'll have a meal!! Please comment if you are coming and what you are bringing - the earlier you can update, the better so others can plan to fill in the holes...

Thank you all!!

Dooley Home

6670 SW Amber Lane
Portland, Oregon 97225

Questions - First time coming to community? Email 

Monday, September 16, 2019

9/22/19 Discipleship Groups 4:30-6pm

This is our week meet in smaller groups to study the word together.

Sunday 9/22 5-6:30pm

The women (and kids) will meet at the Dooley house:
6670 SW Amber Lane
Portland, Oregon 97225

and the men will meet at the Smith House:
5804 SW 59th Ct
Portland, Oregon

Romans 10:9-13
John 3:16-18
John 14:1,6
Is 63:16
Romans 8:12-1
Is 6:1-6
Rev. 4:1-11
Gen 1:1-2
Ps 115:1-3, 148

If a couple of people could bring some snacks/appetizers that would be greatly appreciated!

Monday, September 9, 2019

9/15/19 Fall Community Group Launch at the Dooley's 5-7pm

Happy almost-Fall!!! Kids are back in school and it's time to return to our normal rhythms. We are so excited to get together with you all again. Since the weather seems to want to be Fall-like, let's gather over a bowl of Chili (Dooley's will provide) and catch up!!

Things to bring -

Fritos, Cornbread, shredded cheese, olives, diced onions (whatever you like to top your chili with) Green Salad, Dessert... or anything that you want to bring...

Dooley House
6670 SW Amber Lane
Portland, Oregon 97225

If this is your first time and you have questions - just email me at

Please let us know if you are coming by commenting below and what you are bringing..

FYI - In October, when the Sunday Night lecture series begins, we will be shifting to meeting from 4:30-6:30 on CG Nights, and 5-6:30 on Discipleship Nights.