Monday, August 31, 2020

9/6 CG Church in April Hill Park 11:30am

Watch service in the comfort of your home, and then grab a blanket and/or chairs, food for the fam, and gather together and talk about how God is moving in your life right now and spend some time with us in prayer. 

Please comment below if you are joining us this week...

Where? April Hill Park 

When? 11:30am-1:30pm

Monday, August 24, 2020

8/30 Community Group 11:30 April Hill

 Dooley's are out of town this weekend, BUT that doesn't mean you can't meet up for some community. Comment below if you are around and want to meet up to share a meal, talk and pray together. 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

8/23/20 Church in the Park 11:30am April Hill Park

 Watch service in the comfort of your home, and then grab a blanket and/or chairs, food for the fam, and gather together and talk about how God is moving in your life right now. 

Please comment below if you are joining us this week...

Where? April Hill Park 

When? 11:30am-1:30pm

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

8/15/20 Brunch Church in the Park - April Hill 11-12:30

 Watch service in the comfort of your home, and then grab a blanket and/or chairs, food for the fam, and gather together and talk about how God is moving in your life right now. 

Please comment below if you are joining us this week...

Where? April Hill Park 

When? 11-12:30 (shifted earlier as Dooley's will have a full day of packing and moving!!) 

Monday, August 3, 2020

8/9 CG Church in the Park - April Hill 12:30-2:30

Bring your lunch, a chair or blanket and join us in worshiping God by gathering together. We will run through an Examen, talk about the week's bible readings, and take Communion together. Please comment below and let us know if you are coming!

April Hill Park - in the shade near playground. 

Questions? Email us or text Liz at 503-680-9826